Thursday, 16 September 2010

5 Ways Your Blog is Undermining Your Business


September 14th, 2010 3:40 am

Thanks for the healthy reminder of the basics. By the way, I can’t figure out why all the comments are dated with tomorrow’s date 9/14. I keep checking my watch… did I miss a day!?!

Thanks for sharing.


September 14th, 2010 4:11 am

This is a great list to be aware of. However, I think most of the blogs I read attached to a business are more likely to impress me than turn me off. A well kept-up business blog can be a true asset, and nowadays I want to know a business is using social media. Otherwise, they seem like a dino to me.


September 14th, 2010 8:35 am

In the current era, a blog is a must-have for business owners. The traditional websites (most of them are still static) are no longer as effective as they used to be. Business websites does not only serve as a “front” anymore. The function of a site goes beyond the traditional “product presentation”. More than a presentation tool, a website is now considered a “communication tool”. Here comes the need for a blog. Blog can bring them the much needed traffic. The more these companies communicate, the more likely they can get leads for their businesses.

These 5 tips can be used as elements for benchmarking. Nice post!


September 14th, 2010 8:38 am

I would say that poor content planning would definitely be something that affects more businesses than you think.

Carl Burke

September 14th, 2010 9:08 am

Well although great post, this is one of the true beauties of blogging, Humm! Business Blogs. this is a slice em dice em..
post..I hope the intent was purely corrective criticism, We teach and help others … that is one of the great features of a blog, comments and contact form…If you find these errors it is almost your duty to point them out, not in the audience of there peers.

Oh that is Read Not Rad
(What other problems

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